
Introduction to Fact-Oriented Modeling

How can I use natural language in my modeling process to achieve high-quality information models?

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And there it was again, the lively discussion about the use of a Data Vault Link Satellite. The argumentation, whether yes or no, went round in circles.

Wie verwendet man die Data Model Scorecard?

Have you ever thought about how good a data model is? Whether it is possible to evaluate a data model objectively with the Data Model Scorecard?

FastChangeCoTM is a company to illustrate the problems, challenges and opportunities of my customers without naming them concretely.

FastChangeCoTM's data modelers keep experiencing the problem of lost mappings from views to tables in PowerDesigner.

How can repeating tasks be simplified? The question of automating processes in a data warehouse (DWH) keeps project teams busy.

One of my most successful blog posts, the article on generating large sample data with the TPC-H benchmark, receives an update.