Coaching - How to do it?

In loose order I publish my thoughts and experiences around data modeling, temporal data or many other things from the world of coaching. For me, this includes approaches to solutions of the most varying kinds, which are sometimes suitable in general, sometimes exclusively for a specific situation.

Very often important and not to be disregarded are the business requirements on which the approaches to a solution are based.

Like the already published series on PowerDesigner and the series on temporal data, this series is a way for me to share with you little treasures from my coaching world, the 'Secret Spice'.

In this series, you probably won't run into the Data Management Center of Excellence (DMCE) team members from my favorite customer, FastChangeCoTM, as often as in the other series.

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And there it was again, the lively discussion about the use of a Data Vault Link Satellite. The argumentation, whether yes or no, went round in circles.

Wie verwendet man die Data Model Scorecard?

Have you ever thought about how good a data model is? Whether it is possible to evaluate a data model objectively with the Data Model Scorecard?

How can repeating tasks be simplified? The question of automating processes in a data warehouse (DWH) keeps project teams busy.

One of my most successful blog posts, the article on generating large sample data with the TPC-H benchmark, receives an update.